Bespoke Handmade Luxury | BUY NOW PAY LATER | Beautifully Gift Boxed*

Fully Crystallised Mandarin Duck Figurine

£1,350.00 GBP

Described globally as the most beautiful duck in the world. This stunning mandarin drake measures 14cm long by 7.5 cm tall and is fully crystallised using thousands of 1-2mm crystals.

He is finished in a vibrant blend of colours to complement his natural plumage. His chest is shimmers from purple to orange, his flanks blend from dark to medium gold with his head shimmering in iridescent greens, purples, blues and orange. His sail feathers stand out in vibrant orange with his back and tail feathers in iridescent greens and browns.

Each of my animal figurines take weeks of work and use thousands of tiny crystals, each one applied by hand. The crystals I use are the worlds leading brand in exclusive colours. These pieces are a labour of love inspired by my own ducks.

Video link can be seen here:

The proceeds of my crystal animal figurines go towards my rescue flock of ducks.